Anticancer is the world's only plant-based medicine, capable with high efficiency to treat cancer. Over the years of clinical trials and use of the drug for the treatment of cancer patients in the East, the following characteristics were identified:
95% effect in the maintenance of immunological parameters during the treatment of cancer by chemical and radiation methods;
90% effect in preventing recurrence and metastasis of y cancer patients
early and intermediate period after surgery;
Effect in the treatment of intermediate cancer patients in combination with radiation exposure and chemical anticancer agents;
Effect in improving health and prolonging the life of cancer patients of the last period.
Today, Anticancer, as a dietary Supplement, recognized as the best anti-cancer agent in the world.
The composition of the drug and the form of release
Anticancer consists of valuable components and biologically active additives, isolated from Korean ginseng, aralia and other medicinal plants.
One packet of this anti-cancer agent contains:
Three types of polysaccharides renewing the body's immune system (0.5 g);
Three types of anti-cancer extracts of plant origin (1.0 g);
Two types of plant extracts renewing nerves, cells and tissues (0.5 g);
Extracts of three medicinal plants that promote sedation, antispasmodic process and analgesia (1.0 g), etc.
Also, the drug includes additional anticancer substances, namely: five types of rare medicinal plants and their extracts that increase the anticancer effect of the drug.
Form release:
Anticancer comes in bags. The bag contains soluble granules. Each bag contains 4.5 grams of the drug. In one package Antirak30 bags, as one package is designed for one month of treatment.
This form of release is most convenient for use and most beneficial in terms of rapid absorption of the drug.
General description
Clinical and pharmacological advantages of the drug over other Anticancer anticancer funds
In modern medicine, there are only two approaches to the treatment of cancer:
The first is based on the methods of eliminating the signs and results of cancer activity;
the second – is aimed at strengthening the internal abilities of the body to deal with the root cause of the disease on their own.
Anticancer operates on the second principle, but as a result of his actions gradually eliminate the symptoms and consequences. When an individual drug Anticancer for 2-3 months selectively inactivates (destroys) tumor cells in the body, increases appetite and increases the body weight. All this happens by activating the internal reserves of the body through the cells and organs of the body.
Simply put, Anticancer is an original comprehensive cancer means having strong anti-cancer efficacy and medicinal powers, namely:
ability to enhance General immunity (increase appetite, body weight);
ability to protect the body from radiation and chemicals;
analgesic, antispasmodic and soothing ability.
Treatment with the Anticancer drug is carried out in three stages.
The first stage: the stage of reducing the size of the tumor and weakening the activity of cancer.
At the first stage of treatment, the main task is to maintain normal blood counts by using the drug Anticancer combined with radiation treatment.
The use of Anticancer should begin 5-10 days before the first radiation exposure and continue during the entire period of radiation treatment.
After several radiotherapy using Anticancer can move to the second stage of treatment - chemical anticancer agents.
The course of treatment is carried out in this sequence is not accidental, because this method has been successfully treating cancer for many years. Chemical and radioactive treatments are not recommended at the same time. Any experienced doctor knows about it.
Second stage: the stage of eliminating the remnants of the tumor from the radiation treatment and maintaining health through a combination of chemical anti-cancer agents.
After the first stage (radiation exposure) the body rest for 10 days, and then begin the second stage of treatment. Use chemical anticancer agent in combination with 1-1.5 boxes Antirace to eliminate any residual tumors after radiation therapy. Also, in order to maintain blood counts at a normal level and restore the life of the patient.
It is at this stage that most of the cancer cells of the early and intermediate period are destroyed. In some cases, the second stage of treatment can be used only one Anticancer without additional chemicals, with the effect of treatment is almost the same.
Third stage: the stage of prevention of recurrence and metastasis through the destruction (inactivation) of tumor cells in the blood and lymph with the help of only one Anticancer drug. To this end, the drug is used for a long time, 2-3 months (total treatment can last from 3 to 6 months).
This method of treatment (in three stages) can be used to treat all cancer patients who have the opportunity to receive radiation exposure.
For patients with cancer of the liver, stomach, rectum, which can not receive radiation exposure, the use of the drug Antirak prolongs life.
For patients of the first and second period, who have the opportunity to operate, it is necessary to do the operation, using anti-Cancer.
2-3 packages for patients of the first and second period without metastasis to lymph nodes
3-4 boxes for patients at the end of the second and early third period with metastasis to the lymph nodes.
Thus, in the application of the Anticancer drug, the destruction of tumor cells in the blood and lymph prevent relapse and metastasis in 90% of cases.
The use of anti-Cancer for 2-3 months y patients with cancer of the third period with metastasis to the lymph nodes leads to inactivation of cancer cells and elimination of metastasis. As a result, the disease ceases to progress and returns to the second period, which already allows you to do the operation.
For patients who have undergone radiation exposure without surgery, and are unable to use chemical anticancer agents, due to lower blood counts, the use of the drug Anticancer is also recommended.
Anti-cancer leads to an increase in the level of leukocytes and the destruction of cancer cells in the blood and lymph (apply one packet per day for 1-3 months after radiation exposure).
The combination of Artieka with other anticancer means the effectiveness of the treatment only increases.
For patients with cancer of the last period, who are deprived of the possibility of treatment with radiation exposure and chemical anticancer agents, anti-Cancer is also used. First, one bag (4.5 g) per day for 2-3 months. At the same time, in the first month of taking the drug, there is a change in the size of the tumor within 10% (increase or decrease), from the second month — a decrease of 40%, improving the health of the patient (increased appetite, weight gain and mobility recovery) and the destruction of cancer cells in the blood and lymph.
Indications for use
Anticancer is used as a tool in the fight against cancer.
Applied as a means of protecting the body from the negative effects of radiation therapy and chemical anticancer drugs. And as an aid to increase the effectiveness of their actions.
It is used to prevent relapse and metastasis, and to increase appetite and body weight in y patients after surgery. The use of 1-2 packages of anti-Cancer before surgery leads to the disappearance of metastasis to the lymph nodes around the tumors and the suspension of changes in tumor size. This helps to reduce the area of operation and better recovery.
Applied for the treatment of patients with cancer of the intermediate period, which can undergo radiation therapy.
They are used to treat patients with cancer of the last period, deprived of the possibility of surgery or radiation treatment, to restore active life and prolong life.
Method of application
Antirak is used inside 1 bag (4.5 g) per day, dividing it into two times – in the morning and in the evening before eating with a small amount of water, depending on the individual condition and the degree of drug reaction to the body. In the case of a strong drug reaction, you can divide the daily dose (1 bag) three times – morning, afternoon, evening. Or take two bags in three days, and as the drug reaction decreases again increase the daily dose to one bag per day. It is recommended to take atirak every day.
In case of nausea, it is better to postpone the reception for 1.5-2 hours after meals.
Additional anticancer substances can be taken to increase the effectiveness of the drug Anticancer to reduce the size of the tumor. If necessary, take painkillers and sedatives.
As a result of the drug reaction, in the first 2-7 days y patients after radiation treatment may experience the following symptoms: nausea, headache, pain in the spine, heaviness in the lower abdomen with cancers of the rectum and cervix, edema ( edema is observed in the case of dysfunction of the circulatory system, and is eliminated gradually with course of treatment). Diarrhea, which is very rarely observed at the beginning of treatment, passes within 5-7 days.
In order to prevent recurrence and metastasis after recovery, take one package of Anticancer drugs per year, at the time when cancer arose.
The use of anti-Cancer 5 days a month for six months after the third stage of treatment gives a good preventive effect.
Also, this drug can be used for external effects on the disease. After a thorough mixture with any cosmetic cream, it is applied to the site of the tumor. This largely eliminates pain.
During the use of the drug Antirak is not recommended to take additional funds at the same time increase the overall immunity, because such funds contribute not only to the recovery of tissue and organs of the body but also to increase and resistance to cancer. It interferes with recovery.
During treatment, the diet of the patient should include: seaweed, kelp, beans, fish and vegetables. Conversely, exclude: chicken, eggs, pork, lamb and other meat products.
Only after 2-3 months after recovery you can eat any kind of meat and other tonic remedies.
You should always maintain a good mood and faith in a positive outcome of treatment.
In acute hypertension, hypotension and heart disease, the simultaneous use of the drug Anticancer and chemical anticancer agents, it is desirable to carry out under the supervision of a doctor.
Storage conditions
Store in a dry place at room temperature. Bags should be closed.
Shelf life - 3 years.
Information on production and origin
Unique in its kind, the Anticancer drug was developed by a team of professional Korean Oriental Highly effective Pharmacological Center, under the leadership of its Director, Professor, doctor of pharmaceutical Sciences Rhu Il-Nam.
Where to buy drug Anticancer
It might seem strange, but to find and buy Anticancer now in our country is almost impossible! This drug was developed in the East, where it received its wide popularity, distribution and many awards for effective and rapid treatment. And our company has only recently found a way to get the minimum batch of this drug.
At home drug Anticancer, called Koreans "Tongbanghangamso", cancers are not fatal diagnosis. For them, it is an elementary, understandable disease that undergoes immediate treatment and is cured.
It is possible that soon it may appear in our pharmacies, but when it happens, no one knows for sure!
Now You have the opportunity to enjoy the Anticancer drug to be delivered right to your home. The quantity of goods is very limited, and the demand for it is quite high. The drug has repeatedly proven itself and proven its effectiveness and strength!l